Annual Fund - Fill the Heart
The Annual Fund is a yearly (July 1-June 30) fundraising campaign that directly supports Sacred Heart School’s current operational needs and essential programs. Our goal is 100% participation from our community. In November, we Fill the Heart in support of the Annual Fund. Contributions to the Annual Fund and Fill the Heart are tax-deductible. Last year, Sacred Heart School raised over $275,000 for the Annual Fund!
- What is the Annual Fund and why is it necessary?
- What is the difference between the Annual Fund and Fill the Heart?
- Why is 100% participation so important?
- How much should I give?
- How can I make a gift to the Annual Fund?
- May I make a pledge to the Annual Fund?
- Can I give a gift of stock?
- How do I find out if my company matches my contribution?
- How is the Annual Fund different from Fund-A-Need?
- I have more questions about the Annual Fund. Who do I contact?