Incoming 2nd Graders Summer Skills

Summer Reading

Summer Math

Every year, we assign math homework over the summer in an effort to prevent what is known as “summer slide” – the well documented loss of skill caused by weeks away from regular practice and learning routines. To help ensure your child has a successful start to the new school year, we are assigning these IXL workbooks for students to work on over the summer. We are not asking your child to complete the entire workbook, rather we are asking you to help your child review math concepts from this past year regularly throughout the summer. An ideal schedule would be 10-15 minutes of work, 3 times a week. Of course, you are welcome to do more if that works for your family. It is our hope that this type of routine honors the rest and family time that is so important during the summer, while at the same time provides much needed review and practice. Feel free to skip around in the workbook to focus on a variety of skills and practice problems.

This math workbook should be returned to your child’s new teacher on the first day of school, Monday, August 28th.

We are grateful for your support!