Families may choose to make their tuition payments in one of the two following ways:
1. Tuition Payment in full by check – payment in full due August 20, 2024
2. 12-Month Tuition Payment Plan – monthly payments via School Admin begin July 20, 2024 and run through June 20, 2025
Recognizing that payment of school tuition is a requirement of each family and that the need to maintain a continuous and consistent cash flow is essential to a well-managed school, the following policy applies to tuition payments:
A. For 12-Month Tuition Payment Plan - Tuition is due on or before the 20th day of every month. Should a situation arise that a payment will be late, the parent is responsible for notifying the school principal as soon as possible. In the event that a family fails to pay tuition on time, the school principal will initiate the following procedures:
- If at the end of thirty (30) days the tuition account is not current, the parent will be notified by the principal of the past due amount. A late fee of $25 will be added to the total tuition balance, and additional late fees of $25 each month will continue to be added until the account is current.
- If at the end of sixty (60) days the past due condition continues to exist, the parent will be notified in writing by the principal that the account must be brought current.
- If at the end of ninety (90) days the account has not been brought current, school services to the family will be immediately discontinued and the account will be referred to a collection agency.
B. Sacred Heart School reserves the right, if any tuition payment is past due, to remove the student(s) from the school. The school has the further right to refuse re-enrollment for the following school year until financial commitments have been met. Re-enrollment in the current year or enrollment for the following year will not be accepted until tuition and fees are paid in full. The school will withhold all report cards, mid-term reports, and school records, including eighth grade diplomas until all financial obligations are met. Additionally, families who have past due tuition are not eligible for tuition assistance.
C. Families that are experiencing financial difficulties should contact the principal immediately.
D. Electronic banking is an option for all school families. Please contact the school office if you would like to set up automatic payments. No charitable (goods or services) contribution shall be accepted in consideration of a student’s enrollment at Sacred Heart School.
Tuition Payment Details and Instructions