ARC (Academic Resource Class)
ARC is an elective class offered to our Middle School students who would benefit from executive skills instruction, pre-teaching, re-teaching and supporting the core curriculum in reading, math and writing, along with learning study skills that match specific learning styles.
- Our mission at Sacred Heart School is to create a learning environment centered on the touchstones of Faith, Community, and Academic Excellence. We are committed to differentiation of instruction, which means we recognize each student comes to us with different skill sets and learning styles.
- ARC provides an inclusive academic setting that enables the development of the whole child to reach his/her full potential.
- ARC offers a two-tier support program. A student is placed based on testing, Ed. Psychological reports, Student Support Plans, teacher and parent input.
Tier 1: Student skill support is met by ARC only
Tier 2: Student skill support is met by ARC plus outside academic support programs.
ARC Team
Curriculum: The 4 Success Strands to ARC
1. Executive Skills by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare: The executive skills are the foundation or base to our everyday living and success. These 11 basic skills help us plan and organize events/activities, build confidence, establish strategies and reach personal goals. Students will self-evaluate and develop strategies to improve each executive strand.
2. Simply Study Skills by Barbra Stewart: This systematic program helps students gain control over his/her organizational skills and develop the foundation that provide a structure to understand how our brain learns. The Simply Study Skills program will reinforce learning styles and help students find and utilize the best study strategies to maximize academic success.
3. Curriculum Support: Pre-teach and re-teaches core skills in reading, math and language. Supports learning styles, provides testing support and note taking skills along with material management support on a daily basis after school.
4. Risk Free Learning Environment: ARC is an elective class that creates a positive learning environment for students to take risks, ask questions, seek help and feel supported by peers and the teacher. This class provides more time for students to re-think, re-learn and master academic concepts. Most importantly, students learn to be an advocate and celebrate each other’s success as well as their own.
Middle School Resources for 2024-25 School year
ARC Tuition
Tuition for the Academic Resource Class is $2,500 per student annually.
ARC Director Mrs. Rosemarie Engman