What is my Service Program obligation?
All school families are required to fulfill at least one Service Program job per school year. Only approved service jobs fulfill the requirement.
What if I can’t fulfill my obligation?
Any family unable to fulfill their service obligation will be charged the $2,000 opt out fee.
What is the deadline for signing up for a service job?
Families must be signed up for a service job by the first day of school. Families who start mid-year must be signed up for a service job within 2 weeks of their child's first day of school. Families who have not signed up for a service job by the deadline will be charged the $2,000 opt out fee.
What if I want to change my service job after I've signed up?
If you have signed up for a service job and decide after the school year starts that you would like to make a change, please email Vice Principal Erica Pierson. You are responsible for fulfilling the service job you signed up for unless and until you receive approval to switch to a different job.
Why are there so many jobs to be done during the weekday?
We have our greatest need for help during the day while the students are here at school. Your help during the school day improves our safety, enriches our classrooms, and enhances the overall experience at school.
We both work full time. What do we do?
We understand many of our families have two parents working full-time outside the home and we try to provide as many opportunities as we can for evening, weekend, and special-project Service Program jobs. Some jobs can be done from home or in the evening such as Social Logistics, designated parent side positions, and designated auction jobs.
I read in my child’s classroom every week. Does that count?
That depends. If you mean, “Does my contribution matter?” Absolutely! We need you. Your contribution makes a difference to the teacher, the students, and your child. If you mean, however, “Does that fulfill my Service Program obligation?” the answer is no. Only approved service jobs fulfill the requirement.
Who decides what qualifies as a Service Program job?
The Service Program is a school program, so school staff have the primary responsibility for determining the number and types of jobs in the Service Program. They work closely with faculty members to determine their needs and identify areas where parents can make the greatest contribution.
Why don’t all jobs require the same amount of time? Isn’t that unfair?
You are right when you notice there is great variability in the amount of time required by different Service Program jobs. No job is small, but there are jobs that require a significantly greater commitment than others. We designed the program to provide the greatest benefit for the school with the greatest flexibility for you. No two families are the same. Within a family, no two years are the same. If there is a new baby, a job change, or an illness in the family, this may be a year when you need a job with a smaller time commitment. On the other hand, we need you! If you can help us with one of the bigger jobs, we are thrilled to have your help. Over many years, we have found this set-up works well. Families sign up for bigger jobs when they can and smaller jobs when they have to. We rely on your generosity.
I have a Service Program job. Is there anything else I can do?
Yes! And thank you! There are many, many more opportunities to serve at Sacred Heart School that cannot be included in the Service Program. Sacred Heart School could not provide the same high-quality education and formation of young people without your contribution. Please consider being a coach, hosting an auction party, or working at Field Day. Look for appeals for help in the weekly school newsletter, From the Heart, and contact your child’s teacher or any staff member to offer your help in other ways.
What do I do next?
Sign ups will be done online each Spring. Please watch From the Heart for more details. We’re glad to have you on board!